Target audience research & feedback

I am targeting my trailer at teenagers and young adults because this age group is more intrigued to watch films with new concepts like dreams being a reality. To understand the type of features that this target audience would appreciate, I carried out this questionnaire so that my production is efficient in targeting it's audience. I created this questionnaire on Microsoft Word and then created a results table myself to analyse the results which was quite time consuming. Then when I went on to create a survey for my feedback from my peers, I used SurveyMonkey instead which helped me enhance my IT skills as I now know how to use this software which efficiently distributes the survey and then analyses the results too.

Target audience research:

Feedback form (for powerpoint pitch): 

I used the results from this survey to look at my project analytically which helped me see the project from a different perspective to make changes that would improve my work such as choosing the right design for the magazine cover and the poster. 
