Skills development

As part of planning, I created some thriller film posters in Adobe Photoshop. This was the most simple task and the breakdown of it follows:

These were three images I had to work with.

Here, I've just pasted the images of the characters onto a black background, to achieve the perfect black tone I picked the colour from the background of the images. I colour corrected the man's face because he seemed a little too pale and was contrasting with the image of the woman too much. 

Now I have added the blood splatter, to make it look realistic, i blended the edges using the eraser tool at a low hardness to make the image as smooth as possible. 

The text was a little difficult to position because in some positions the poster seemed unprofessional and when I placed them here (like in the image above) it looked more like a film poster. By changing the colour of the forename and surnames of the characters, the names stand out more making it look more like a film poster. The use of colour also makes the poster more appealing as the colour red is very attractive.

The final touch was the movie title, this determines the whole look of the poster so I had to be very careful when choosing the text. I decided to use the same font as the names so it had a sophisticated look and the white colour worked quite well as it contrasts with the red blood splatter.

For this poster,we were given 3 images that needed to be cut, resized, blended and colour corrected and the text was quite simple.

Here, all I've done is rotated the image horizontally and tinted the colour to be a more brighter tone of sky blue. These simple steps have made my background so different from the original image.  

I then added my own image onto the canvas and erased the hard edges to make it more softer and realistic. I had to resize the image to make it as close as possible to the bourne poster. The text was quite simple, i searched In google for the text used in the original bourne poster and made the word Bourne stand out more by making it bold and in a bigger text.


To make this image more like a magazine poster, I had to change the colour tones of this image because the natural pink tones were too strong. I adjusted the brightness and added a blue tone to the whole image which gave me my perfect background to work with (image on right).
Whilst capturing this image, I had to consider the style in which Teen Vogue present their front page, they usually have one central image in a medium shot or close up  and this is what I was aiming to achieve. 

Teen Vogue have an iconic masthead with the month of the issue on the letter E as I have done so above. To get the masthead looking like this, I found it on Google and then erased and buffed out the edges to make it look smooth and sleek. I had to resize the bar code to make it the standard size of most Teen Vogue magazine covers. 

Teen Vogue is all about obsessing about the current affairs so I pulled out something quite recent and played with it a little to make it look like a possible cover for Teen Vogue. To make these strips, I used the dropper tool to select the colour of 'October' so there's not a huge contrast in colours.  I had to play around a little as the free transform tool hadn't left the strips in the best resolution possible.

Teen Vogue magazine covers have all sizes of text and to have one main text that grabs the attention of readers was essential. To achieve this look, I aligned the text in different ways to make it stand out more and changed the colour of "ALL THE STYLE TIPS YOU NEED!" to white so that it wasn't blending in but fitting the colour scheme that I was trying to create. 

Teen Vogue magazine covers are really busy and this is what I was trying to achieve by adding different fonts and sizes of texts all around the central image to make it more spontaneous. As you can see, I haven't added bright and contrasting colours that break my colour scheme because I wanted to give a sophisticated yet casual approach to this magazine colour. So far, this was the most complicated and time consuming poster I have made because of the amount of detail that went into it, I've learned that just a magazine cover can be hard to create as you have to consider things like colour schemes to text fonts. 

Our final skills development task was to create a magazine cover to help prepare us for how it is really going to be like when completing the coursework. It was quite a beneficial task as I have now understood the detail and effort that must be put in to create products as such. Here are the stages of this poster being processed:

The first step was to change the colour of the image because the strong blue tones didn't seem to suit the style of Sight and Sound magazine covers. So I decided to convert the image to grey scale and add a thick white border just like Sight and Sound do. I also enlarged the image because Sight and Sound have a more square shape rather than a rectangle like Total film and Empire.

I then added the masthead and bar code with it's price, It was quite time consuming to cut out the mast head using the lasso tool and then clearing it with the eraser carefully and then finally blurring the edges with the blur tool to give it a smooth finish. 

At this stage, the cover looked like it was almost complete but it was missing something, it took me a long while to get the text to be in accordance to the style of typical Sight and Sound magazine covers. After researching on these magazine covers, I felt that this layout of the text looked best as it had a professional approach giving information but in a minimal manner that looks appropriate to be on a Sight and Sound magazine cover. A huge feature of the magazine that I had left out as the tag on the top right hand corner that briefs the date and issue/volume number.

And here is the final product:
